Wednesday, 20 February 2008


some weeks just drift by

without me realising

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

heat seeking

if you were to travel over neroche, or indeed any landscape, with a heat seeking camera from above, as if you were a satelite with a very strong magnification range, what would all the life forms look like in the night, what patterns would they make?

human shapes asleep in their beds, birds in nests and hedges, animals in burrows curled round or waiting in the dark, all with a beating heart. what would it look like, all that red warmth emitting.

all the beating hearts, some a flutter, some knocking almost. fur and feathers, and skin, red glowing, making warmth that never burns or boils only heats.

natural england

the countryside as depository:


takeaway containers

dumped bodies

tied plastic bags

stashed drugs


empty lager cans

unwanted pets


silage wrapping

murder weapons

burnt out cars